
 Golden threads

What do we know?

Pupils at the Dolphin School come from a wonderfully diverse range of backgrounds and a significant proportion speak English as an additional language. Many of our children will have had limited experiences of science and what it means to be a scientist.


What do we want?

We want our pupils to become analytical and curious, able to challenge misconceptions and have a deep and secure understanding of key scientific concepts.  This includes having an extended specialist scientific vocabulary and the ability to apply their mathematical knowledge to collect, present and analyse the data they produce. We want our children to see themselves as scientists.


How will we achieve this?

At The Dolphin School, we encourage our pupils to develop both a fascination in the world around themselves and the ability to analyse and understand how it works. In EYFS, pupils begin to develop an understanding of science through the broad area ‘Understanding the World’.  Our pupils begin to explore and find out about the world around them and begin to ask questions about it.  They make observations of animals, plants and materials and try to explain why some things occur and talk about changes.

During Key Stage 1 and 2, the children develop both their knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics and their ability to work scientifically.  They do this by taking part in a wide range of engaging practical activities and enquiries.  They are encouraged to develop their own investigations and raise their own questions.

We ensure that the science taught at The Dolphin School is representative of our diverse community. When choosing scientists to study and key concepts to explore, teachers make conscientious choices to build on our children’s experiences and ensure that children can see themselves in the scientists we cover. We keep our EAL children in mind by exploring and explaining new vocabulary regularly.
