
If you need to raise an issue in the first instance, please do so with the relevant member of staff who will be happy to talk to you and seek to establish a solution. If you are not satisfied with this response and believe the issue has not been resolved, please refer to the Principal. This may be done in person, in writing by using the Formal Complaint Form (Appendix 1), or by telephone.

Venturers Trust is committed to ensuring that all complaints are acted upon fairly, promptly and without prejudice. We need to know as soon as possible if there is any cause for dissatisfaction.

Those who make a complaint should never feel, or be made to feel, that a complaint made in a reasonable and appropriate way will be taken amiss or will reflect adversely on any student or their opportunities at our academies.

We will investigate and try to resolve a complaint in a positive manner and will treat every complaint as an opportunity to put right any matter which may have gone wrong and/or to review our systems and procedures in the light of the relevant circumstances.

The information in our policy outlines the process for making a complaint either about the Trust or one of our academies. The respective academy should be contacted in the first instance.


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